Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Creating a Blog Proflie

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On 31/10/2011 05:10pm, Phil wrote:


Forgive my ignorance, but how can I create a profile, so as to post on your blog, Kavey?


On 31/10/2011 07:10pm, Kavey wrote:

Dear Phil

You shouldn't need to create a profile.

If you already have a google account (such as gmail email address) you can use that account, just enter your google email and password.

Or, if not, you can choose the Name/ URL option, just type in your name, but leave the URL box blank.

You've even got an Anonymous option.


On 05/11/2011 12:11pm, Phil wrote:

Thanks, Kavey.

I've had requests from your blog, and an academic blog, to create a profile in order to post. I have a gmail account. I'm confused!

I'll try again.



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