Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Cooking time for Madras curry

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On 22/03/2014 01:03am, Steve wrote:

Hi all. Trying the lamb madras curry recipe with ingredients I brought home from India. How long should I allow for the curry to cook until lamb is soft? I'm not using a slow cooker, don't like them. Using my heavy cast iron pot.

On 22/03/2014 07:03am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Steve

Cooking time depends on the type of lamb you are cooking. You can tell it is done by 1)pressing a piece of cooking lamb between your finger and thumb. It should break up easily. 2) the curry begins to look shiny as the fat floats around the meat. If you click on the first picture here, lamb Curry, you will know what I am saying.

Hope it turns out well.

On 25/04/2014 07:04pm, Phil wrote:

What don't you like about pressure cookers, Steve? I don't have one, but a friend who visits every summer travels with one in the boot of the car. He swears by it. He always uses it to do a lamb curry for us. I don't have any views, one way or the other. Must ask him why he's so keen on it.


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