Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Cooking new vegetables

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On 10/12/2007 11:12am, Farzana wrote:

Hi Mamta and All,

I want to try cooking some new vegetables that I have not cooked before. Mainly because I keep finding my family eating the same staple stuff again and again and also cause I want to reduce the amount of meat we eat.

Anyway, do you or anyone else know how I can cook the following vegetables the "indian way", any recipes will be much appreciated. If they are not suitable for cooking the indian way then any other way of cooking them is OK too.

They are; Celery, Leeks, Parsnips, Swedes, Pumpkin, Butternut Squash, Yam/ Sweet Potato, Broccoli/ Brussel Sprouts. A weird lot aren't they? I don't really know what to do with them, some could just be boiled/ steamed, but then the family wouldn't eat them like that.

Any ideas?

Thanks All,


On 10/12/2007 03:12pm, Mamta wrote:

Hi Farzana

It is good to reduce the amount of meat you eat. I stopped eating meat and chicken about 6 years ago and my cholesterol has stayed normal without any medication ever since!

Have you looked for the recipes on this site? Some are already there-Leeks, Sweet potato (shakarkandi), Pumpkin, Squash, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts. Things like celery, I always eat in salad, but you can make soups. You can always shred Brussels sprouts and cook like cabbage or add them to other curries, or make vegetable koftas with them.

Have you looked at some English websites, for example deliaonline or There are many good recipes here.


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