I read on internet that we can use coffee grinder for grinding spices. I want to know how many watts grinder will be good for grinding spices. We get 130-200W grinders in the store.
Hi tina
I grind my spices in a 150W coffee grinder without any difficulty. I used to hav a Moulinex one for years before this one, not sure about it's wattage. The only one you may have difficulty with is cinnamon, whhc I buy ready ground.
My coffee grinder is the best thing I ever bought for grinding spices. Not sure of the wattage but its great. Easily chomped through a 1 inch stick of cinnamon last night as well as tablespoons of other spices.
I have burned out 2 grinders grinding cinnamon so now also buy it ready ground!!
Hi Steve,
Thank you all for the reply. can you please tell me the which coffee grinder do you have and the model no.
Will do Tina - when I get home from work. Its morning down here now.