Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Coffee grinder for grinding spices

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On 21/09/2008 09:09pm, Tina wrote:


I read on internet that we can use coffee grinder for grinding spices. I want to know how many watts grinder will be good for grinding spices. We get 130-200W grinders in the store.



On 21/09/2008 10:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Hi tina

I grind my spices in a 150W coffee grinder without any difficulty. I used to hav a Moulinex one for years before this one, not sure about it's wattage. The only one you may have difficulty with is cinnamon, whhc I buy ready ground.

On 22/09/2008 01:09am, SteveAUS wrote:

My coffee grinder is the best thing I ever bought for grinding spices. Not sure of the wattage but its great. Easily chomped through a 1 inch stick of cinnamon last night as well as tablespoons of other spices.



On 22/09/2008 07:09pm, caroline wrote:

I have burned out 2 grinders grinding cinnamon so now also buy it ready ground!!

On 22/09/2008 08:09pm, Tina wrote:

Hi Steve,

Thank you all for the reply. can you please tell me the which coffee grinder do you have and the model no.



On 23/09/2008 12:09am, SteveAUS wrote:

Will do Tina - when I get home from work. Its morning down here now.



On 25/09/2008 05:09am, SteveAUS wrote:

Hi Tina - its a Sunbeam



On 28/09/2008 05:09am, SteveAus wrote:


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