Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 15/02/2008 06:02pm, mary-ann wrote:

Hi, can i say first off, this website is a fantastic idea, I am a big lover of Indian food and even bigger fan of cooking it, not that I am great at it mind you!

I have a question, I am always out for dinner at Indian restaurants in Glasgow, and often served with Samosas is chickpeas in this sauce and I could honestly eat it forever! I would like to konw if you know what it is or have a recipe for it?? It's quite red in colour and slightly sweet and sour. I have tried many a time to find out what it is but without knowing what it is called its rather hard. Your help would be appreciated!!



On 15/02/2008 06:02pm, Askcy wrote:

did you once ask about this before ? years back?

I'm now off to look back


On 15/02/2008 06:02pm, Askcy wrote:

cant find the post I was thinking about but I seem to remember replying along the lines of was it a basic chickpea curry or something like the Greek houmous made into more of a paste? ?


On 15/02/2008 07:02pm, mary-ann wrote:

Nope, this is my first itme on here. Its not a curry, its usually poured over the top of a samosa, or served as a side. The chickpeas are whole as well. Im sorry im so vague. If i have sent this twice i also apologise, my computer playing up.

On 15/02/2008 07:02pm, Mamta wrote:

It could be Chickpea masala or Spicy Chickpea served with Tamarind Sauce.

It is one of the Chaat dishes, spicy and hot, in the same category as samosa.

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