Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chickpea Flour Rolls Curried

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On 14/03/2009 12:03pm, Daniel A wrote:


Am going to make these rolls, but in the instructions it says that I should add ginger in the dough as well as in the gravy. But in the ingredients section, there is no mention of ginger for the rolls.

Which is correct? The ingredients or the instructions?

In any case, thank you for a great site and great recipes.

Thanks in advance


On 14/03/2009 12:03pm, Daniel wrote:

and here is the direct link. Sorry.

On 14/03/2009 05:03pm, Mamta wrote:

They should be in the roll ingredients too. Sorry I can't correct the recipe yet, have no administrative access at the moment because of some silly hackers causing trouble. If you did not add ginger, it won't be the end of the world, it is one of those things that are used according to individual taste.


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