Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chicken Phall

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On 26/03/2007 01:03pm, peasoupdragon wrote:

Hi There,

I got my OH a Chicken Phall, or Pall or something like that and he loved it. I cant find a recipe for it on this site, is one there>?? Can anyone help.

Just finished a beef jalfrezi using your recipe Mamta and it was gorgous, wish there was more actually!

PSD (from BBC Irish Curry Massive).

On 26/03/2007 01:03pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello PSD

If you search in (the Indian branch of google, there are a few recipes. I think Phal is just 'Hot'!


On 27/03/2007 12:03pm, Kavey wrote:

Hello Peasoupdragon - Welcome to the MK forums!

If you get that curry again can you note down as much as you can in terms of a description as there may be a suitable recipe on the site under a different name?

On 28/03/2007 05:03pm, peasoupdragon wrote:

Thank you for your help, I will certainly try both of your suggestions and get back to you.


Thank you,


On 28/03/2007 07:03pm, AskCy wrote:

Chicken Phall (pronounced Farl) as in a scoup of the Sun's molten core poured onto some chicken ????....eeek....

On 24/04/2007 10:04pm, Guest wrote:

For an actual chef's recipe for Chicken Phall, you might want to try:

I certainly haven't tried their phall (I'm not crazy, lol!), but the other chicken recipes I found there have been spot on. Just like from my local curry house.

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