Hi There,
I got my OH a Chicken Phall, or Pall or something like that and he loved it. I cant find a recipe for it on this site, is one there>?? Can anyone help.
Just finished a beef jalfrezi using your recipe Mamta and it was gorgous, wish there was more actually!
PSD (from BBC Irish Curry Massive).
Hello PSD
If you search in google.co.in (the Indian branch of google, there are a few recipes. I think Phal is just 'Hot'!
See http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&q=Chicken+Phal&meta=
Hello Peasoupdragon - Welcome to the MK forums!
If you get that curry again can you note down as much as you can in terms of a description as there may be a suitable recipe on the site under a different name?
Thank you for your help, I will certainly try both of your suggestions and get back to you.
Thank you,
Chicken Phall (pronounced Farl) as in a scoup of the Sun's molten core poured onto some chicken ????....eeek....
For an actual chef's recipe for Chicken Phall, you might want to try:
I certainly haven't tried their phall (I'm not crazy, lol!), but the other chicken recipes I found there have been spot on. Just like from my local curry house.