Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

chicken phal

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On 26/08/2010 04:08pm, Mamta wrote:

No, I don't have chicken Phal recipe, but you may be interested in this thread;

On 27/08/2010 12:08pm, Lapis wrote:

I think a phal isn't an Indian dish, I had one in an 'Indian restaurant' and it had just oil with chilli powder in it. If you want all heat and little flavour, try nibbling on a chilli, guest. Alternatvely, choose any of Mamta's recipes, which have loads of flavour, and less heat (relatively)!

On 12/09/2010 12:09pm, Mark wrote:

The only place I've seen/had a Phal has been in Sunderland/Newcastle which makes me think that it's a Bangla dish due to the large Bangladeshi community (The majority of restaurants in Sunderland are Bangladeshi.

Recipe here:

I don't know why anyone would want to eat one though. I've only done it once because I'd had a little too much to drink and the agonising stomach cramps I had the next day were enough to put me off ever doing it again!

I love a hot curry but I also love them to have real flavour and not cause me to turn ghostly white, my nose to run profusely and tears stream from my eyes.

On 12/09/2010 01:09pm, Winton wrote:

Isn't phal another Anglo-Bangladeshi creation (like Chicken Tikka Masala) made in the West and probably unheard of in Asia?


On 12/09/2010 02:09pm, Mamta wrote:

There are so many UK-Indian dishes that will not be recognised in India, and I dare say in Bangladesh. Phal is surely one of them :-). Restaurants have a habit of giving their dishes new names in order to freshen up their menu without doing much work.

On 15/09/2010 08:09pm, Andrew wrote:

My understanding of a phal is just an extremely hot curry. I imagine you could take any dish, load it up with suicidal amounts of chilli and call it a phal. There is a recipe online that some bright spark has devised and it calls for 30 Dorset naga chillies (I tried to find it but google isn't helping me tonight). It must be an absolute delight to eat NOT!!

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