Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chicken Pathia

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On 09/06/2015 08:06pm, Lucretia wrote:


I've been wanting a good Pathia recipe for ages, found the prawn one here, tried it and liked it. Someone also posted here wanting to know if it can be modified for chicken, I just did it and it came out really well. I used 4 tbsps oil, pretty much doubled up everything else, used a 440g tin of chopped tomatoes.

I have tamarind paste rather than puree, I used about 4.5 tsps of tamarind with about 3 tsps of demerara sugar (when I made the prawn pathia, I used brown sugar which had a more toffee like flavour - should've used that this time).

Due to the amount of liquid, I used a good amount of tomato puree to thicken the sauce. Next time, I'll use a better quality tin of tomatoes as I used a cheap one which was more watery.

On 09/06/2015 09:06pm, Kev wrote:

I always use tinned whole tomatoes instead of chopped. I find you get more tomato than in the chopped tins. I just cut them with a knife or scissors.

On 10/06/2015 09:06am, wilsonz wrote:

I was told many years ago to never buy chopped tinned Tomatoes, they use an inferior Tomato as you cannot see the quality once it is chopped.

On 12/06/2015 05:06am, Mamta wrote:

That last post is fro mW, forgot to log in!


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