Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chicken Malvani

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On 21/04/2009 10:04am, JL wrote:

Hello Mamta

Just wondering if you have ever heard the above curry. Number one son has raved about it after trying it in a restrauant in Darwin. Not sure what region it is from in India. Will google but thought I would try my favourite site first



On 21/04/2009 11:04am, Kavey wrote:

Can't help with a recipe but here's some more info:

On 21/04/2009 01:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Kavey has given you the answer already.

It is a Kokan Curry. As far as making it is concerned, there are quite a few recipes on the web. Apart from coconut in it, it looks very similar to northern Chicken curry; see here

You could make a standard chicken curry and add some creamed coconut at the end, just like adding double cream.


On 22/04/2009 02:04am, JL wrote:

Thanks Mamta and Kavey,

I agree with what you have suggested - a good chicken curry recipe with added coconut. One recipe I found had 8 hot green chillis! That would definitely pack a punch.



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