Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chicken Balti

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On 19/09/2008 04:09pm, Brum wrote:

Cooked the Chicken Balti from your recipe & quite possibly the best Chicken Balti we have ever tasted, thank you Mamta.

On 19/09/2008 05:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Brum

That recipe is from a young lady I used to know, who actually comes from the region of Pakistan where this dish supposedly originated. It is good, isn't it?

Thank you for taking the trouble to write in.


On 21/09/2008 09:09am, carie wrote:

I have searched for chicken balti but unable to find it. Does it come under a different name? Thank you

On 21/09/2008 01:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello carie

Just put in balti in the search window, and you will get 3 dishes.


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