Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Chat Masala

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On 11/09/2012 07:09pm, Martin wrote:

I make my own breakfast yoghurt with fresh fruit (chopped to suit) and the cheapest plain yoghurt. But,for a single portion, added with 1/8th teaspoon of chat masala the taste is smarvellelous!



On 11/09/2012 08:09pm, Mamta wrote:

Yeap, I agree with you entirely Martin. I had some this evening in place of dessert. Chat masala is good with yoghurt and cucumber tomatoes etc. too. It is a good mix of spices that can be used in all sorts of things.

On 11/09/2012 10:09pm, Winton wrote:

I'm not a great fan of sweet foods much preferring savoury.

However some fruit with a good sprinkling of chat masala keeps me up to my five a day!


On 15/09/2012 07:09pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Incidentally there is "Chunky Chaat Masala" which was great for sprinkling on fruits while just the "Chaat Masala", I found it a slightly hotter with less kick.

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