Hi to the forum.
When I'm grinding cardamoms I usually include the husk. I find the husk has so much flavour it's a sin not to use it, especially the depth of the smokey black cardamom. Do you use just the seeds? I'd like to read about your preferences.
I grind whole cardamoms, both green and brown, including the husk. Then I sieve it to remove any tough bits.
sometimes, when you need to use only one or two green ones, you can remove seeds and just crush them with a rolling pin or with a pestle and mortar. My mum used to do this.
I remove the husk. I used to do what Mamta does, though.
I still have de-husked green cardamom seeds in a pack bought in Texas in 2006, and they still smell like cardamom. Maybe that's my imagination!
I;ve just made Garam Nasala and ground the spices, then passed through a fine sieve (as per Mamta's method). Excellent!!
Because I grind my spices fresh in a mortar and pestle as and when I need them, I tend only to grind the seeds and discard the husks. I had to de-husk some green and brown cardamoms a few days ago to make garam masala, and the aroma was amazing. Add to that the aroma of freshly ground cinnamon, cloves and pepper! If I was going to grind a batch of cardamoms using a coffee grinder then I would just grind the whole pods.