Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 09/11/2008 07:11pm, mick wrote:

hi everyone, could someone please tell me what capsicum is

On 09/11/2008 08:11pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello mick

Capsicum is Green pepper or Bell pepper;


On 10/11/2008 12:11pm, mick wrote:

thanks mamta

On 10/11/2008 01:11pm, Lapis wrote:

capsicum is the genus which includes all the species of chillies and 'sweet peppers' or 'bell peppers' in the US,and paprikas of Europe.

Commonly, in supermarkets and the like, sweet peppers are often refered to as capsicums, although it could just as correctly be applied to all chillies. This is why it is perfectly acceptable to use ground dry capsicum (sweet pepper), also known as paprika, to 'dilute' the heat of chilli peppers, or used instead of, or as well as, fresh chillies in Indian recipes, to reduce the heat but maintain the colour.

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