C4 Indian Winter Season
For those readers interested in ''things Indian' beyond food, Channel 4 are running an interesting series of programmes starting 13th January with the Oscar winning film 'Slumdog Millionaire.'
Expect my highlight will however be the next Wednesday, the 20th January when Gordon Ramsay explores Indian cuisine!
Thanks for the info Winton, it is so damn interesting when British chefs go to India and conduct programmes on the Indian cuisines.
Thanks Winton
I was going to send a couple of my Indian pictures from my last visit, but then I saw this;
By authorizing this link, you'll allow Picture This to:
*Access your Flickr account (including private content)
*Upload, Edit, and Replace photos and videos in your account
*Interact with other members' photos and videos (comment, add notes, favorite)
Picture This will not have permission to:
*Delete photos and videos from your account
I didn't want them to edit my pictures, so did not enter!
Hi Mamta
Sorry I don't understand any of this flickr, twitter, facebook etc. business!
Just thought there were some some interesting programmes your readers might like to watch!
Winton xxx
HI Mamta,
Why dont you have a pictures page in your website? which you can add/delete yourself, and it would be so interesting.
Rajneesh I think there are several reasons why personal pictures aren't added to the site...
As the site doesn't need an account to post then anyone could come to the site and post absolutely anything ! Currently we are able to remove most of the unwanted posts before they cause too much of a problem. It would be a whole new ball park trying to catch endless photos being uploaded without a massive overhaul of the site...
This brings up the next problem, Pete and Kavey who look after the programming of the site in their own time are really busy and any additional work like adding new pages and facilities all take time which just isn't available.
The other main reason would be down to cost.. you will notice there aren't any charges to the us the users of this site for getting recipes and help but it still costs to run and host the site. Adding another facility for extra pictures would add extra costs for hosting the files and bandwidth used to upload them...
I may be speaking out of turn but that would be my guess at the reasoning...
Steve has it absolutely on the head...
This is a website that we provide for free, and hosting images would increase the cost HUGELY, not the mention be an immense workload to administer, let alone programme in the first place.
It's also not really what we're for as a recipe resource website.
There are a hundred and one websites already out there for users to share their images, and they do a great job...
What I actually meant was not to share the photos, only the website owner can post/ delete and no one else. Few pics (say 8-10) wont take too much bandwidth.
Woops! The Channel4 website got the timings of the Gordon Ramsay Indian programmes wrong. They actually start tonight (Monday 18th) and continue Tuesday and Wednesday all at 9pm.
Thanks for your idea Rajneesh;
"only the website owner can post/ delete and no one else"
Though nice, it will still be a lot of extra work for us. Pete and Kavey don't have any more time to give, and I am barely coping with adding pictures to the recipes :-( at the moment! We would love to have your pictures for the recipes here, but not any others.
I am trying to get together a list of ingredients (spices and such) for identification, with pictures, and hope that one day Pete will have time to give me a facility where I can add these. So any pictures in that direction will be very helpful. The ones that are better than mine, a very easy target to beat, will eventually turn up here ;-). Andrew has already sent me quite a few.
I will have some time in March to sort them out.
If you are going to take photos of spices its a good idea to have something in there to give an idea of scale..(knife,spoon, measuring cup, kettle ? etc)... so people would know what size a seed/bean etc is when looking for it in the shops..
A good idea of posting pic of spices, I am sure there are many I haven't seen as yet.
Yeah enjoyed G Ramsay's great escape yesterday and will be glued to the I Box ;)tonight as well. That insect chutney was interesting!!!!