Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Bonjour from France

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On 17/10/2007 10:10pm, Kavey wrote:

Pete and I are having a lovely time in France!

Eating extremely well indeed!

Thanks to Steve (AskCy) for holding the fort until we (and mum, who is in India, I think, though I never can keep up with all the parental gallivanting) get back early next week!

On 18/10/2007 10:10am, Mum wrote:

I am slowly making my way back to Delhi now. In Roorke today. Thanks to Steve, things are ticking ovr well. I am using Sheeku's lap top, typing is so hard on it :-(! oSo, don't worr if yu see letters/words missing.


On 18/10/2007 07:10pm, AskCy wrote:

Can't keep away ?

Hope you are all having a great time and bringing some more recipe ideas (and pictures?) back with you.


On 19/10/2007 07:10am, Mamta wrote:

On 19/10/2007 07:10am, Mamta wrote:

!!!! GOK what happened here!

Have a few new pitures, not many recipes worth trying. Have to try vermicelli raita when i get back, sounds interestig


On 21/10/2007 11:10am, AskCy wrote:

Pics of food?


On 21/10/2007 11:10am, Mamta wrote:

What else! LOL!!

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