Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Black bits in potatoes ?

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On 29/05/2011 04:05pm, AskCy wrote:

Having just peeled about 10kg of them I noticed a lot of black bits in there which I believe is frost damage ?

I'm wondering if its bad for you in anyway ? Suppose they had been peeled using a big chip-shop peeler and no one noticed, fried and given out etc.. is it in anyway changed from normal potato ?


On 02/06/2011 08:06am, AskCy wrote:

Been googling.. The general comments seem to suggest its bruising caused by rough handling when being picked in cold temperatures. Can't see anything about if its changed its chemical properties in anyway though !


On 02/06/2011 11:06am, Sid wrote:

Why do some potatoes go black when they've been boiled. yet others do not?

On 02/06/2011 12:06pm, AskCy wrote:

where they already black to start with inside (bruising) and you just hadn't noticed ?


On 03/06/2011 09:06am, Sid wrote:

I'm not sure, but I do know what you mean because I have seen that before.


On 06/06/2011 05:06pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Frost damage potatoes tends to be slightly pale coloured and goes sort of translucent on boiling. Not good for consumption. Have encountered black bits with slug attacks, but then they make tunnels inside potatoes which are visible from outside.

On 07/06/2011 03:06pm, AskCy wrote:

This isn't tunnelled its just black/dark purple just at the surface and going in (skin intact).. like a bruise on your skin might be...


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