Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

bicarbonate of soda

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On 15/10/2010 09:10am, tim wrote:

can bicarbonate of soda rot a persons teeth?

On 15/10/2010 10:10am, Mamta wrote:

Not sure Tim, I know many toothpastes use it as whitener.

On 15/10/2010 11:10am, Lapis wrote:

tooth decay is usually down to acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. As bicarbonate neutralizes acids, it would seem a good thing, though thorough brushing would be better.

On 15/10/2010 08:10pm, Winton wrote:

Bicarb should make your teeth bright and shiny but brushing too harshly & often with it could wear the enamel away as it is rather abrasive.

On 16/10/2010 09:10am, Rajneesh wrote:

Is it the same bicarb crystals which is used in stain removal from clothes? The instructions on the container also said that it could be used as a moss killer in the patio/pathway so i sprinkled it on the patio.

On 16/10/2010 12:10pm, Winton wrote:

NO! Don't go brushing your teeth with Soda Crystals. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (as used in cooking and toothpaste,) Soda Crystals are sodium carbonate decahydrate for clothes and cleaning.

On 16/10/2010 12:10pm, Rajneesh wrote:

ha ha OK ..thanks Winton, anyway, I would not be putting something inside my mouth which kills moss.

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