Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Besan Gatte ki Sabji

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On 17/06/2008 08:06pm, Channa wrote:

This sounds like such a good vegetarian dish. My attempt at a similar recipe resulted in gattes (plural?) that were tough and dry. I think my dough was too firm. Just how firm should the dough be? I'll probably cook them in boiling water rather than a pressure cooker. Is there an easy way to know when they're fully cooked? Thank you!

On 18/06/2008 06:06am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Channa

When the young girl made them to show me (the recipe belongs to a girl called Mmini), she made them quite stiff. My sister in-law also makes them with a firm dough, but they come out quite nice, because of the oil in the dough. I make dough a little more stifff than chapatti flour, but not too stiff. They come out well.

You can try making them with a softer dough. Just a thought occured to me, how about putting a pinch, no more, of baking powder in them? Do tell me how they come. Also try my sister Abha's spinach version.

Alternative is to try the Chickpea Flour Squares, Curried . This is my MILs recipe, it is easy and always comes out good.


On 18/06/2008 08:06pm, Channa wrote:

Thanks, Mamta. I'll try these ideas and let you know the outcome.

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