Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Beetroot Curry

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On 09/11/2008 01:11pm, AJW wrote:

Does anyone have a good recipe for a beetroot curry? Can beets be used in a curry?

On 09/11/2008 03:11pm, Kavey wrote:


If you use the Search function on this site you will find several beetroot recipes including one for beetroot curry.

On 09/11/2008 04:11pm, AJW wrote:

Thanks. I'm new to the site and I hadn't looked around properly. I've just looked at the recipe for beetroot curry and I will give it a try.

On 09/11/2008 04:11pm, Kavey wrote:

No worries, it takes a while to get familiar with any new website!

If you have any questions about any of the recipes or ingredients or just want some advice on menu planning, just come back and post here on the forum.

On 12/11/2008 02:11pm, AJW wrote:

Are there any traditional Indian dishes that use beetroot? I know there are recipes on this website for beetroot curries, however, I was just curious as to whether this is a traditional vegetable used in Indian cooking.

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