Hi everyone, been asked to organise food for 50 people a week on Saturday. My sister and I have never cooked ribs in any shape or form. However this has been requested. Any tips, advice etc. please.
I made ribs for the first time the other week....
Gently simmmered them in a large pan of water/stock (with bayleaves, garlic and pepper) for a couple of hours to make sure they were nice and tender.
Then made up a stick sauce (like the one I used for my hot spicy chicken recipe) and coated them all then roasted in a red hot oven.... seemed to work very well but I'd need to perfect the techniques before I could give a definate recipe.. (and thats not likely to happen as there is only me that likes ribs...!)
Steve - check out Hub uk - tips and techniques of the BBQ Guru!
Know what I'll be cooking on the week-end. I have to say ribs aren't really the thing I make for on a buffet table, unless I know its really good quality meat
thanks for the reply anyway
apparently BBQ in America means something different to what UK/Euro/Australia/NZ think of. What the latter think of as a BBQ is actually a charcoal grill, whereas an American BBQ means slow cooking, still over charcoal, but with a lid on, so the meat cooks slowly, like hours!
Sometimes, at UK fayres and the like, you will see whole pigs cooked the American BBQ way, and very good it is, too, more moist than an oven roast.
Unless you cook the ribs in the oven first, and finish them off on the charcoal grill, I can't see how it will cook properly.