Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

bangalore, karavelli restuarant. Tiger prawn n pickled onion??

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On 07/04/2009 09:04pm, oysters wrote:

My beloved went to this restaurant last year and he had, what he thought (and is convinced) was king prawns with pickled onions, it was spicy and he likes things very hot, it was a main course and he talks about nothing else- (except football and fishing), I am desperate to re-create it for him but cant imagine how to make it taste edible, sounds awful doesnt it!! prawns n something vinegary, anyway, I know you guys are genius at this stuff and anticipate your response.

Lots of love,


On 07/04/2009 10:04pm, Winton wrote:

Just guessing, but possibly could be a Goan Prawn Vindaloo?

More clues please! Where was the meal eaten and at what sort of restaurant??

On 08/04/2009 06:04am, Mamta wrote:

It is supposed to be the best sea food restaurant there and their signature dish is Prawn Balchao.

Phone : 080-66604545

Address : Gateway Hotel,66,Residency Road, BANGLORE

Mine will be nothing like theirs, they are famous for it, but here is my recipe; Prawn Balchao, for what it is worth. They had obviously cooked it in pickle style, but as a main course, not a pickle.

On 08/04/2009 11:04am, Winton wrote:

Woops! Winton - read the message title before you reply to the main text of the message!

Thanks anyway for highlighting an interesting recipe to put on my "to try" list.

Mamta just to clarify, for instance when in this recipe you write "1 1/2 cup Vinegar" you mean one and a half cups of vinegar, not one half cup of vinegar? (hope that makes sense)

On 08/04/2009 03:04pm, Mamta wrote:

It is 1 1/2 cup, but remember this is dry Prawn Pickle recipe that I have on my website. Prawn Balchao is often cooked with fresh prawns, as a main course curry. This is less tart and uses very little vinegar. I might make it with fresh prawns one day and work out the amounts, that is if I remember!


On 08/04/2009 03:04pm, Winton wrote:

Hi Mamta, sorry I'm feeling rather dim!

300 ml = 10 fl. oz = 0.5 pint = 1 UK Cup

So when you write "1 1/2 cup" it is 150 ml not (300 ml + 150 ml)? Sorry, but as much as I love vinegar I need to get this right!

On 08/04/2009 05:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Now you have got me confused :-(. I am sure it was more than a cup of vinegar. I wrote down the amount of ingredients as I went along, by taste! I will have to try making it again, I will put dry prawns on my shopping list. As I mostly make things by guess/taste (I only measure when writing a recipe), I will know how much to add then.

And there I was, feeling rather pleased with myself, being able to type that fancy label on my jar picture!

On 09/04/2009 08:04am, Winton wrote:

If it is more than a cup must be the full 450 ml not 150 ml surely?

Off to see my Father for Easter (devoid of internet) so you will free from my interrogations for a few days!

Happy Easter (and other coinciding celebrations) to you and all readers.

On 09/04/2009 01:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Have a great Easter break with your dad :-).

"If it is more than a cup must be the full 450 ml not 150 ml. surely?"

Yes it will be 450 ml. I don't think I have written 150 ml. anywhere.

450 ml. does seem rather a lot, even though a pickle will have a lot more than a 'cury'. I don't usually use the expression 'one half cup of vinegar' for 1/2 a cup, but please hold this for now, until I have had time to make it again.


On 09/04/2009 02:04pm, Kavey wrote:

Mum, no you haven't written 150 ml anywhere. The confusion lies in the fact that "1 1/2" can be read two ways. You could read it as meaning one AND a half. Or you could read it as meaning one half.

I always assume that 1 1/2 = 1.5 and 1/2 = 0.5

Perhaps you can change recipe to show 1.5 or 0.5 instead?

On 10/04/2009 07:04am, Mamta wrote:

Thanks Kav, let me make it again first, before I go correcting what might already be correct! Yes, writing 1.5 instead of 1 1/2 makes sense. Feel free to correct it whenever you come across it, I will too, as I go along.


On 22/04/2009 05:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Winton

I made the Prawn balchao again today and have updated the recipe. It does use 1 1/2 cup vinegar, I could have used even more!

Try makeing it. I made from 100 gm. packet of dry prawns and my OH has eaten half of it alread, on toast!

Prawn Balchao

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