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On 06/01/2008 12:01pm, Catrin wrote:

I wonder if bajra flour is made of the normal yellow millet you can buy in health food stores? I don?t have an indian shop around and would like to try to make Paratha or roti with it.


On 06/01/2008 05:01pm, Mamta wrote:

Indian miller is Pearl Millet, as far as I know.

Are you in UK Catrin? You should get it on line very easily. If you open up any of my recipes, they all give a link to a good supplier.


On 07/01/2008 08:01pm, Catrin wrote:

Thank you, no I am not from uk. I?m from germany, but I looked at the supplier you mentioned. And I recognised the brand of the bajra flour. I?ve bought brown rice flour of the same brand from a local asian shop. So I?ll try tomorow and look for it. Thank you. At least I found out that pearl millet is a different kind of the "normal" millet I can buy in germany.


On 08/01/2008 06:01am, Mamta wrote:

Hello catrin

What kind of millet can you buy in Germany? How about asking the Indian shopkeeper if the one he sells is suitable for making bajra roti?


On 08/01/2008 10:01pm, Catrin wrote:

The normal millet in shops here is the proso millet (broomstick millet). You can see a picture at wikipedia or a bigger picture here . Didn?t have the time to look for the flour, the shopkeeper is vietnamese, no use to ask him. But maybe I?m lucky and they have the rigth flour. The labels are the same as in England, no problem to recognise the rigth flour. Thank you again for the help.


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