Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Back from Lebanon

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On 10/05/2011 12:05pm, Kavey wrote:

Just a quick note to say that Pete and I back from a fantastic couple of weeks in Lebanon where we enjoyed a culinary tour of the country.

I will be blogging a few aspects of the trip soon, but just wanted to check in and say Hi!



On 10/05/2011 12:05pm, Mamta wrote:

Welcome back!

We have had so many SPAMS lately that I am tired of deleting them every time I sit on the computer! I hope the idiots will stop soon and find someone else to bother!

On 10/05/2011 09:05pm, Sid wrote:

Mamta, I would assume that the spam you see posted on here is done by bots and not an actual person sat there continuously posting garbage. It can be very annoying though, I know myself having built websites in the past. There is a massive industry behind spamming. There are companies in the US that do it for a living. Even being taken to court and fined doesn't put them off, because there is so much money to be made from spamming it overrides the fines. Businesses pay the company so much to spam the internet and advertise their product(s).

I believe that the soul of the internet should be free and remain so. Nowadays the entire thing is just a means for marketers to sell things to people. But, people being people, I guess that it's to be expected!


On 11/05/2011 06:05am, Mamta wrote:

I would assume that the spam you see posted on here is done by bots and not an actual person sat there continuously posting garbage.

Yes I do know it but someone sets up the process to begin with. I wish they would stop! Pete blocks them regularly, but new ones keep taking over. Consequently myself and a few others have to keep deleting them every time we sit on the computer, very annoying!

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