Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Are chilies really satwic?

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On 02/06/2013 04:06am, Karen wrote:

So many so called satwic recipes use chilies. They do not use garlic or onion and claim to be satwic. As far as I know, chilies would be considered rajasic food, so I am wondering why they keep popping up in satwic recipes. Any one know the answer? Bhog Khichuri - Bengali Mung Dal Khitcheri is very good. I just omitted the chilies. Thank you!

On 02/06/2013 05:06am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Karen

I think chilli is Rajsic, neither Satvic, nor Tamsic.

Nice that you like the Bengali Bhog Khitchuri, a recipe contributed by one of our readers.


On 09/06/2013 04:06pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Blimey!!! this is like casteism in food. LOL!!

On 10/06/2013 09:06am, Mamta wrote:

LOL! I guess chillies will come under Kshatriya caste, the warriors!

On 11/06/2013 07:06pm, Martin wrote:


I suffer from the same propblem. My problem is that I was using the same hotness type chillies when I was a lot younger. In earlier days I would add Naga chillies willy nilly. These days I use Bangladeshi Chillies (Dried) as my staple chilli. However, as I prefer to use fresh chillies, especially for their added flavour I prefer Finger Chillies. I've tried Scotch Bonnet Chillies from my local Supermarket but find that they are all heat, thin skinned and have no flavour.

This year I bought some Kashmiri dried chillies from an on-line supplier. I use them mostly to add colour to my dishes. They spill their seeds all over the place. I'm going to have a try at growing them on.

Speaking of which....... I'm growing Coriander in my greenhouse from seeds bought from my local Asian Grocer as culinary supplies. 100% improvement on seeds from my nlocal garden centre!



On 11/06/2013 08:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Martin, I buy my coriander seed from Wilkinson's these days and they are fine. The ones from the kitchen grow well and are fine if used quickly. However, they don't last as long.

On 16/06/2013 04:06pm, Martin wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Can I stray a little towards the growing of coriander rather than the culinary aspects?

Commercial seeds gave me a sparse crop. Using seeds from my local Asian grocer I'm enjoying great success. Do you let the seedlings just grow to maturity or do you pinch off their heads at a certain stage? Have you got any other tips? I remember you mentioning growing coraiander at the great cookery course of yours that I attended a while back.



On 16/06/2013 09:06pm, Mamta wrote:

I can never use all I grow. So I chop and freeze some; see 'how to grow coriander' and 'how to store coriander' under the search facility here. Some I grow invariably goes to seed. You can use the seeds ground up. Woody stems are useless. Thai and some other cuisine uses roots too, but have not seen any Indians use them.

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