Mamta just spotted the photo of the apple you posted from the link with Wilsonz curry...
googled apple disease and pests....
is it apple scab ?
or maybe aphid eggs ?
scroll down to the 3rd picture on here -
actually its a bit difficult to tell from your photo as its too small, but this looks the most like it "oystershell scale"
Thanks for looking it up Steve. Yes, it is Oytershell scale. I checked it with an apple nursery. I treated it last autumn, when I first noticed it on my apples. I will spray the tree again in summer a couple of times. If it doesn't work, I will get rid of the tree itself.
Getting rid of the tree Mamta? Is the infection too bad? How old was the tree? Only this year for the first time I planted Elstar, Jonagold, Golden delicious and Braeburn...I guess i have to be careful with timely spraying of fungicides, insecticides etc.