Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Apple picture

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On 21/03/2012 09:03pm, AskCy wrote:

Mamta just spotted the photo of the apple you posted from the link with Wilsonz curry...

googled apple disease and pests....

is it apple scab ?

or maybe aphid eggs ?

scroll down to the 3rd picture on here -


On 21/03/2012 09:03pm, AskCy wrote:

actually its a bit difficult to tell from your photo as its too small, but this looks the most like it "oystershell scale"


On 22/03/2012 05:03am, Mamta wrote:

Thanks for looking it up Steve. Yes, it is Oytershell scale. I checked it with an apple nursery. I treated it last autumn, when I first noticed it on my apples. I will spray the tree again in summer a couple of times. If it doesn't work, I will get rid of the tree itself.

On 22/03/2012 10:03am, Rajneesh wrote:

Getting rid of the tree Mamta? Is the infection too bad? How old was the tree? Only this year for the first time I planted Elstar, Jonagold, Golden delicious and Braeburn...I guess i have to be careful with timely spraying of fungicides, insecticides etc.

On 22/03/2012 03:03pm, Mamta wrote:

It is a golden Spur apple, trained against the wall. I am going to try hard pruning, scrapping off remaining from the bark and see. If it doesn't disappear, I will dig out the tree.

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