One of my favourite London food bloggers, Helen from, visited us at our Covent Garden Real Food Market stall and has just posted this lovely blog post about our stall on her blog.
Do visit and leave a comment.
For those of you interested in objective, helpful and well-written reviews of London restaurants, I'd recommend bookmarking her site for future reference!
It is a lovely blog, very nice pictures. I enjoyed visiting it.
will have a good read through when I'm back home, thanks for the link....
I take it that it all went well....
Yes indeed. My own blog post is coming, but is in a queue for me to write behind a post about a restaurant visit in Dorset week previous.
Just read it, and what a good read... !
Looks like a very good 'days' work (I say day as I know it started weeks before) was appreciated by many !
And the good news is that I'm still selling the remaining jars to people who weren't able to attend the stall, which is good. I'm happy to have some left over for Christmas but it's also nice to get a few more sold too!
I WILL be blogging soon, but it's been a bit manic!