Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

A section of quick meals for students etc.

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On 18/12/2011 06:12pm, Mamta wrote:

My husband's nephew is here from America, to carry out a research project in Neuroscience at the John Radcliffe in Oxford. He will be here for nearly 2 months and live in a student flat during weekdays. As he lives on fast foods/noodles etc. normally, I was talking to him about making quick, short-cut and cheap/healthy meals and showed him how to make a quick pizza from a naan bread, using fresh tomatoes and cheese. He enjoyed it and said, "why don't you have section for students on your website"? I think it is a good idea, especially if we can have a dedicated search button like 'student recipes' or 'quick recipes' for it at the top of the page. What do you all think?

On 18/12/2011 08:12pm, AskCy wrote:

A great idea....

but, my quick is different to your quick, is different to someone elses quick...

example.. I can whip up a pasta dish in the length of time it takes to boil the pasta(dried pasta...I'm not that quick I could do it with fresh pasta). Get something in the frying pan (bacon/ham/prawns etc) add onions, soften add spices, add tin of tomatoes/pasatta or add flour and milk, mix in cook and add the pasta.. can be done easily in 15minutes... However someone that had never made if before might take twice as long or more... trying to cut this up, put that to onside, oops forgot that etc..


On 18/12/2011 10:12pm, Kavey wrote:

I think probably best is to go through existing database and look at adding keywords of quick / easy which will allow anyone short of time and/ or on a budget to find the recipes that will suit them.

We can add a note to search page highlighting this.

It will take you some time to go through but sure it's possible.

On 21/12/2011 08:12pm, Lapis wrote:

have to agree with Steve, here. Not only quick, but cheap, and in one person portions, usually. And simple!

On 22/12/2011 12:12pm, Mamta wrote:

I think that not only should these things be quick, they should also be easy. Also, they should not have too many ingredients that are not often stocked by students.

On 29/12/2011 10:12pm, AskCy wrote:

I was thinking about a similar thing a while ago.. not so much student food but bizzare combos that could make a meal easily ?

I've not tried and tested anything, it was just the idea....

maybe a tin of ratatouille mixed with a tin of mulligatawny soup would make a reasonable sort of instant curry (it was just and idea running around my head)...

would a pot noodle mix with something to make some sort of chinese style dish....

it was that sort of wierd combo "easy cooking" that I mulled over for a few minutes...You can probably see why it didn't get


On 29/12/2011 11:12pm, Kavey wrote:


On 30/12/2011 06:12am, Mamta wrote:

I have started adding Easy Quick and Student to recipes, but I have a long way to go still!

Steve, your ratatouille comment reminded me; when we were young and living in bed-sitters in London, where either cooking was not allowed/or we had very limited facilities in the form of a small electric 'ring' stove in our bedsitter, before Kavey and Neet were even thought of, we used to eat 'ratatouille on bread' as a meal quite often. It came close to a mixed vegetable bhaji. This was before the days of all kind of tinned/chilled/frozen curies and naan/chapatties became available in shops/supermarkets! Memories!!

On 30/12/2011 02:12pm, Lapis wrote:

The problem with trying to repropduce a meal that takes some time to cook compared with one that is thrown together, is that the latter is usually very inferior. If I want something quick, I'll make a sandwich.

The rat' and mull' dish sounds very American (mix and warm through) and sounds perfect for them. I'll stick to sarnies, thanks.

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