Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

A question about sprouting seeds for salad

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On 16/03/2010 07:03am, Mamta wrote:

Which seeds do you sprout for salads regularly? How do you sprout yours? Would you add/change anything here;

As always, send in your pictures :-)


On 16/03/2010 09:03am, Winton wrote:

Since a kid I've always just grown mustard and cress on damp blotting paper or kitchen paper towels. Great for kids as you get pretty immediate results so don't need to be too patient!

On 20/03/2010 03:03pm, Phil wrote:

I used to put moong beans (spelling perhaps wrong) on damp kitchen towel, in a dark space, thus producing bean sprouts for Chinese cookery. I notice that bags of these bean sprouts are on sale in a local ?picerie (grocery shop) here in the South of France. The Moroccan owner tells me that the French put them in salads.

Much cheaper to grow your own!

On 20/03/2010 05:03pm, Mamta wrote:

But your own grown ones are much fresher :-).

Indians don't usually grow them to the extent Chinese grow them, so they are different texture and taste.

On 06/04/2010 06:04am, fridgedoc wrote:

bean sprouts (mung beans) are easy to sprout, you can buy a special container or just use a plastic / glass wide necked jar, small piece of cloth and an elastic band, pt about 1 cm of beans in jar place clot over top secure wih elastic band, through cloth half fill jar with warm water leave for 4 hours, now tip jar and allow water out of jar through cloth, place jar in dark place, folowing day repeat above but empty out water straight away (no soak) after 3/4 days beans will start to sprout, when they look the right size empt out of jar, wash and use as needed,

Bon chance


On 06/04/2010 09:04am, Mamta wrote:

You wouldn't like to send a few pictures of your bottle/jar method, would you, to include here; Germinating seeds?>

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