Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

A funny story

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On 05/11/2008 10:11pm, SteveAUS wrote:

I had a quiet day at work yesterday so I spent some time reading recipes on here and printing out a few different ones for me to try.

I left work and caught my bus as usual. A lady came and sat next to me and then a friend of hers got on a few stops later and sat next to her across the isle. Well they were having a right old natter about their families, kids, holidays etc. Well when you have a 45 minute bus ride you cant help but listen in to conversations.

The lady across the isle starting talking about their friends taking it in turns to host themed dinner parties. They've had Spanish, Italian etc etc and it was her turn next and she'd decided she was going to host an Indian dinner. She had recently been to a restaurant and loved it (ive been there myself a few times and its nice food). Immediately my ears pricked up as she was talking about what she could make as she'd never cooked Indian before. She said she's just buy tinned/packet pre made dishes and cook them up. But she mentioned that at the restaurant she had two side dishes, raita and another one that she couldnt remember the name. She described it to her friend as having onions, chopped carrot, either vinegar or lime juice. I new instantly that she was referring to Kachumber. So then she was chatting about how to make raita. She said it cant be that hard, it'd be just yoghurt and cucumber wouldnt it. I was almost bursting to interupt and tell them how to make it but I didnt as I thought it'd be a bit rude. Anyway she decided that she would jump on the net when she got home and google it to found out.

Anyway it just so happened that I'd printed Mamtas version of cucumber raita out just hours earlier. My passion for sharing recipes for Indian food got the better of me. I knew where the lady got off the bus so, I got the recipe out of my bag and folded it. Then as cool as a cucumber (pardon the pun) when there was a lull in their conversation and just before we got to the ladies stop I said excuse me to the lady sitting next to me, please can you pass this on to your friend and tell her this will save her time having to google it. Well! The lady opened it and her jaw dropped. She passed it onto her friend and her jaw dropped also. They nearly fell off their seats. They couldnt believe it. They started laughing and saying do you often carry such trivial recipes around with you? They then said if we wish for soften else will you be able to pull it out of your bag. It was all very funny. The lady was very appreciative. I then mentioned to her if she goes to this website and search for Kachumber she will find the recipe and instructions on how to make the other side dish that she'd forgotten the name of. Anyway she got off the bus and thanked me very much. I just said you're welcome and turned and look back out the window to day dream with a smile on my face.

It was quite funny and quite surreal. I told my wife when I got home. She now thinks im quite obsessed with indian food.



On 06/11/2008 06:11am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Steve

This is such a slovely story. It is a very trange coincidence to have the exact same recipe that some total stranger sitting next to you on a bus journey wants, all ready and printed out in your bag and to have the kindness to share it with them! I bet they were spooked ;-)! Thank you for sharing it with us.

I wonder if you will ever meet these ladies again one day, chat to them about food and perhaps start a new friendship!


On 06/11/2008 09:11pm, Kavey wrote:

Wow, now that IS a very cool story!!!

On 07/11/2008 06:11pm, AskCy wrote:

funny how things work out isn't it !....

and maybe those ladies are now reading these posts? (if you are say hello !)


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