Does anyone know a fix for ghee that is cooked at too high heat or for too long? It becomes all cloudy and never separates properly.
Thank you.
Hello Shambhavi
Like anything that is burnt, it is really impossible to 'fix' burnt ghee. If it smells burnt, the best thing you can do is throw it away and not ruin any more of your good ingredients by cooking in it. If it does not taste/smell burnt, and only looks cloudy etc., try cooking one small dish in it and see how it tastes. If it comes out okay, use it. Otherwise throw it away.
If you live in UK or some other cold country, you may try leaving it outside and see if birds like it!
PS Next time you make ghee, leave it to cook on low heat, for longer. Itt is much safer!
I burnt it too, the first time I made it! I had to throw it all out. Fortunately, i was making only a small amount.
Ghee or Clarified butter is mainly saturated FAT. I am not sure of it's nutritional values other than this; my grandmother used it liberally in her cooking, made sweets with it, added it on top of her food like people here in the West add cream, used it as a skin lotion and hair oil. She was small and slim, very erect. She lived to be 97, had almost black hair until she was well into her eighties, needed glasses only in her eighties, had strong bones, was quite fit and able to look after herself until last couple of years of her life. Was it the nutritional value of ghee or was it other things? She said it was the milk and ghe, but who can say! It never did her any harm though!
Yes indeed, she was Steven. If I start talking about her, I could write pages on her! She was a lovely lady and had a great presence at her full 4ft. 11inch
I just found this in Reader's Digest book "An A to Z guide of healthy eating":
Nutritional values of Butter (precursor of ghee)
108 cal per tbs.
11 gm. total fat: 7.1 gm. saturated and 3.3 mono-saturated fat, ) 0.4 gm. polyunsaturated fat. High saturated fat, increases the risk of heart disease, obesity and some other diseases.
33 mg. cholesterol.
It is a good source of vitamin A and D.
It has same calories as margarine, both have 16-20% water.
It tastes better than margarine and oils.
Drawbacks of butter:
Using butter and margarine sparingly can be incorporated into a healthy diet.
I hope this is of help!
Ok ghee not burnt but super amber. Could the butter I used be wrong. Wanted organic salt free, got just salt free.
Ok ghee not burnt but super amber. Could the butter I used be wrong. Wanted organic salt free, got just salt free.
Probably a bit overcooked. If it doesn't smell burnt and tastes ok on a chapati or pon a spoon of dal, this is fine to use. Just be careful next time.
Thanx so much. Once the dark ghee solidified looked ok. Can't wait to use it tonite with veggies and have the kids try it. It smells really good. Yea!!!! So grateful to have you share this culture with me in Louisiana.
The best ghee is one made at home, none of the market ones can beat it.
Although I don't think it's "a thing" in Indian cuisine, browned butter (or beurre noisette, as it's known in French) is a wonderful thing - butter browned just enough to give it an amber colour and nutty taste.
So, if yours isn't burnt, then you've basically got brown butter, which sounds delicious. Would use it as flavouring, spread rather than cook with it, as cooking might take it across to burnt status...?
For making ghee, definitely use low heat, it doesn't take much at all for solids to separate out.
Not related to ghee but came across an article that none of the processed vegetable oil is good for health, even olive oil should not be heated but used cold on salads. Butter and coconut oil is healthier option.
Ouch just discovered about a litre of burnt Ghee and it got mixed in with some Good Ghee and all of it has a slight smell.....Burnt milk I have treated with Potatos cut in half and left for a while was wondering if the same would work for Ghee!
I have experimented with adding a bit of Garlic and Curry leaves and will wait n see if there is an improvement....The Ghee isn't too amber in colour and mebbe there is hope! Keeping fingers crossed!
May be there is!!1 In my experience, burnt stuff is better thrown away. If you add more things to recover it, you are only throwing good money after bad... but will wait to hear from you.
SUCCESS!!!! Mamta and all on this forum! It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my experiment with adding fresh curry leaves and garlic to my burnt Ghee proved Immensely successful! Should've posted the results immediately but 2 days later when I opened the box of ghee, Viola, the Burnt smell n taste was GONE! and it smelt rather good and normal! Dunno if the garlic did anything for the smell cos I cannot smell any garlic in the Ghee, but yes the yummy smell of Curry leaves is subtly there! So there you Go don't throw away your burnt Ghee Folks!!:-)
SUCCESS!!!! Mamta and all on this forum! It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my experiment with adding fresh curry leaves and garlic to my burnt Ghee proved Immensely successful! Should've posted the results immediately but 2 days later when I opened the box of ghee, Viola, the Burnt smell n taste was GONE! and it smelt rather good and normal! Dunno if the garlic did anything for the smell cos I cannot smell any garlic in the Ghee, but yes the yummy smell of Curry leaves is subtly there! So there you Go, don't throw away your burnt Ghee Folks!!:-)
I had never heard this before. I will have to try it out by burning some ghee first :-)
:-) Go ahead Mamta, but Burning Ghee or milk or even paneer!is a speciality of my cook.....I wish you luck in trying to burn anything ;-)Anyways try it and see for yourself! I am still amazed at the result and cannot stop smelling the ghee for myself out of sheer disbelief! :-)
Svati, I made ghee a couple of days ago but couldn't bring myself to burn it!
I had so patiently and diligently cooked ghee yet ended up burning it in the last few mins :(
Your post helped tremendously.
Did you try the curry leaves and garlic Pooja, I have never tried it myself. I prefer to throw away burnt ghee, it makes food cooked in it smell too. Next time I make ghee, I will burn a portion and then try curry leaves and ghee trick.
I made ghee at home it got extremely burnt so can I now use it to lightlamps??is there any method to fix that burnt ghee
Not really, the burnt smell is impossible too remove. Lighting the lamps is just about all you can do with it. There is no point in throwing good money after bad by cooking good ingredients in it.
The ghee got overcooked and is light brown as it has cooled it tastes a bit burnt
Apart from trying what the first poster has said here, I have else nothing to add :(.
Since it is winter and birds need fat, you can try leaving a little out for them and see if they will eat it. Otherwise, put it down to a lesson that you should not leave the ghee cooking when you are not in the kitchen. Cooking it on low heat lets you do others chores, but you still have to check and stir regularly.
U said to add garlic and curry leaves to burnt ghee to remove the smell..do we have to add paste of garlic or add it as it is???
swalia, it wasn't me that said it. For me, burnt ghee is only for throwing. Trying to make it good is like throwing good money after bad!
I would agree with Mamta, throwing good money after bad. But smelling and tasting are different things. The reason the smell might be less noticeable is that the ghee (fat) is stopping the smell escaping into the atmosphere. Most 'flavours' would prefer the fat/oil than to transfer to the atmosphere (once in the fat/oil).
As is often misunderstood, ghee is not simply clarified butter. It contains flavours from the curd proteins which react with the lactose to form Maillard reaction products which provide deeper nutty/roast flavours. It is these new flavours (along with any left over reactants) that burn, not the oil/fat.
Best to learn and start again. ;?)
just add sm fresh garlic & curry leave to d burnt ghee & d smell will dissappear.....it works
I was making cookie dough and didn't have enough normal butter so I used ghee. But the taste really ruins the taste of your average sugar cookie. How do I rid the taste? I added so much other stuff to try to rid the taste but it didn't work.
According to my SIL, if you add a few paan leaves to such Ghee and cook it for a bit, burnt smell is removed. This works for old ghee too.
I have not tried it personally and i don't know where you would find paan leaves outside India.
Sary ghee ko halka garm kr k us ma atta takreban 2 cup dall k or 1/2 chamch ilaychi powder dall k chenni add kr k cream ya doodh thora sa add kr k halwa ki trha bhon ly jab halwa tyar ho jay to ghee utar ly smell khtam ho jay gi chahy to phly kam ghee pr practice kr k phir sary ghee ko istimal ma laay
Funny you should say that! My grandmother, who lived to be a fit and erect 97, used it as body and hair massage oil, every single day, all her life.
If you use burnt ghee for massage, use it before shower ;)!
Scarier u read your remedy of burning ghee. same as u also happened with me. plz tell me how u should use garlic and curry leaves for removing burn smell. plz tell me clearly
neha, I have never tried it myself, but it seems that you simply add curry leaves and garlic to ghee and leave it. For me, smell of garlic and curry leaves replacing the burnt smell, even if that was possible, wouldn't work I use ghee, where I like the smell of ghee, not of garlic and curry leaves.
Add turmeric leaf or cloves while making ghee adds an awesome aroma to it
I was pleased by your suggestion
Do we have to cook again after adding curry leaves and garlic
Hello Hamida
I have personally not tried making burnt ghee good and don?t know if it will work. For me, once ghee is burnt, it is only good for the bin. Whatever you cook in it will smell of it. But if works for you, please come back and tell me.