Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

A big thank you to Lapis and other posters!

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On 21/10/2010 06:10am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Lapis

It is so wonderful to have you here on this forum. I have learnt so much about the science behind various foods/methods of cooking from your posts. I know many others have added to this knowledge too and I thank them all, but you are our main expert. It is time I thanked you for it. So, thank you Lapis :-)

A big hug


On 21/10/2010 07:10am, Winton wrote:

I'll certainly second that. It is so useful (and interesting) to have our own honorary resident 'molecular gastronomist' on board. Lapis' clear and thought provoking explanations keep even my very limited scientific knowledge alive.

Thank you Lapis.

On 21/10/2010 09:10am, Askcy wrote:

Might I also extend the thanks to everyone who is posting relevant and interesting questions that lead to some great information exchanges where Lapis often makes things scientifically clear ! - Thanks Lapis and everyone who gets involved either directly or behind the scenes !


On 21/10/2010 10:10am, wilsonz wrote:

Well said, totally agree.

On 21/10/2010 01:10pm, Lapis wrote:

loving the hugs ....

but this is a site where we all share, and most of the hugs must go to Mamta for not only sharing her wonderful recipes, but also showing what can be achieved in this money driven greedy world we are forced to live in. All power to you, Mamta.

On 21/10/2010 01:10pm, Rajneesh wrote:

I agree, it is nice to have someone giving scientific explanations to clear matters.

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