Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

A big thank you to John and Steve for minding the forum when I/we are not around

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On 22/10/2010 05:10am, Mamta wrote:

We get a awful lot of SPAMS on occasions and a smaller number every day. Some mornings, the whole page is full of nothing but SPAMS. Your help in keeping the forum clean is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all the posters who make the threads interesting, lively and a learning experience.

And, thank you to those who ask the questions in the first place, without whom there will be no Forum!

SPAM posers, please go away!


On 22/10/2010 07:10am, Askcy wrote:

not a problem, happy to help...


On 22/10/2010 08:10am, Winton/John wrote:

It is a pleasure to do 'our bit' Mamta. Although spam is a damn nuisance hopefully while the forums can stay post-moderated is keeps them 'live' for your worldwide visitors 24/7 (not even the BBC can boast that!)

On 22/10/2010 09:10am, Kavey wrote:

There have been sooo many spam posts lately.


I never understand how they are worthwhile, I guess there must be some idiots who do buy viagra or cheap phones or whatever else the spams are selling, just because they see a spam in a forum and click on it. Otherwise they wouldn't do it?!

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