Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

"10 years of Mamta's Kitchen" Tattoo

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On 01/04/2011 07:04am, Winton wrote:

In honour of the tenth anniversary of Mamta's Kitchen (and now over 7 million visits) I intend to have a tattoo of the Mamta's Kitchen ladle symbol as shown on every page on the site.

My questions are:

  1. Do I need written permission to do this? - I don't want to infringe any copyright

  1. Where should I place the artwork? (for work reasons it would be inappropriate to have anywhere on my head or neck)

  1. Does anyone know a hygienic premises in London to perform the operation? Others may wish to join me - perhaps I could negotiate a 'Mamta's Kitchen' special rate!

  1. Can I seek assurance that there is no 'rebranding' of Mamta's Kitchen for the anniversary or at least changing of the ladle symbol over the next ten years. I don't want to be left with a out-dated tattoo.

Thank you, Winton

On 01/04/2011 08:04am, Mamta wrote:

No, no, no Winton, please don't! I hate Tattoos :( ugh!! They are permanent, painful and have some risk of infection. Having seen so many that went wrong, I feel that they are a sort of skin scarring, at least in my view. Get some stick on ones designed!

I am honoured that you would want to, but please don't.


On 01/04/2011 08:04am, Ganders wrote:

Sounds a wonderful idea, Winton!

Feel free, but we'd have to insist that you include the following text below any tattoo of our logo:

"This logo is a trademark of Mamta's Kitchen. Please visit for great indian recipes!"

This of course applies to anyone wishing to have a similar tattoo done.

On 01/04/2011 09:04am, Kavey wrote:

Ha haaaa! Winton, you're brilliant!!!

That's the best one I've seen so far!

On 01/04/2011 10:04am, sid wrote:

i can't decide if winton is being serious or not but it sounds an interesting idea. how big are you going to have it? i have over 25 hours worth of tattoos and it can get a tad painful LOL. there is someone that had a fried breakfast tattooed onto their head. why dont you go the whole hog and get the ladle done AND choose your favourite dish from the site (along with pictures you understand) and have that tattooed on your head. Just kidding!!!!

On 01/04/2011 10:04am, Lapis wrote:

to be really impressive, it should be done with turmeric! Must be today, though.

On 01/04/2011 11:04am, AskCy wrote:

:-) on your stomach !... but be quick and get it this morning


On 01/04/2011 06:04pm, Kavey wrote:

So, can we let poor, tattoo-averse mum know it was an April Fool's joke yet?


On 01/04/2011 06:04pm, AskCy wrote:

I think so ... lol


On 01/04/2011 08:04pm, sid wrote:

and there was me thinking that we were about to start seeing a mamtas kitchen cult going around flashing their ladles in public.

On 01/04/2011 09:04pm, Mamta wrote:

Ha ha! I did fall for that one, didn't I. I have been out all day birdwatching and then went to a friend's for dinner, so just saw this. I didn't remember it was 1st today. It is a friend's birthday, I bettre ring him before he falls asleep.


On 01/04/2011 10:04pm, Winton wrote:

Thank you all for your encouragement and support, I was really warming to your ideas.

I have to bow however to Mamta's wisdom (as usual!) for the time being.

Perhaps temporary tattoos are an interim compromise. Two free (one for each arm) with every apron purchased!


On 01/04/2011 11:04pm, Kavey wrote:

Heheh, it was a brilliant one, Winton!

On 02/04/2011 07:04am, Mamta wrote:

Yes, I have to agree. It was a brilliant one. I didn't suspect at all, fell hook line and sinker. I did think it was weird of Winton to think of it, but suspected no foul play. In my defence Winton, it was made easier for you because these days I hardly ever know which day or date it is. Every day is a Sunday to me ;-)!

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