Mamta's Kitchen

Smoked Salmon Pate 2

Smoked Salmon Pate 2

Mamta Gupta


This recipe has been adapted from a Pate we had one of the cruise ships in Alaska. It is very simple to make. The original recipe uses Captain Jim's Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon but any good quality, tinned of smoked salmon in oil or vacuum packed, chilled salmon will do. You can use 'off-cuts', since you are going to mash it anyway.

Serves 4-6


  • 1 tin or 150 gm. of smoked salmon in oil or chilled pack of smoked salmon.

  • 120 gm. cream cheese at room temperature

  • A small bunch of fresh dill

  • 2 large pitta breads cut into strips or 12 tiny pitta breads


  1. Mix all the contents of the tin and cream cheese in a food processor or with a fork.

  2. Place in a serving bowl and chill for a couple of hours.

  3. Garnish with chopped dill.

  4. Remove from the fridge 30 minutes before serving.

  5. Serve with hot Pitta bread slices or any bread of your choice.


  • Another way of serving:

  • Wet a serving bowl thoroughly and immediately line it with cling film, leaving enough cling film hanging over, to fold over and cover the dish once filled.

  • Place a couple of sprigs of fresh dill at the base.

  • Line with a thin layer of smoked salmon pieces on top of dill.

  • Fill the bowl with the mousse, fold cling film over and refrigerate or freeze.

  • Just before serving, take out of the fridge or defrost fully, if frozen. Open cling film, turn the bowl up-side-down, on to a serving plate and gently tap. Lift bowl up, easing mousse out. The salmon and dill will now be on top.

  • You can do this in individual ramekins as well.

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